Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts: Urban Spaces for People, Profit and the Planet


In today's rapidly changing world, the need to adapt our lifestyles and economies to mitigate the impacts of climate change and resource depletion has become increasingly urgent. Embracing the principles of the Circular Economy, Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts have emerged as a powerful force for driving systems innovation, transforming the way we do business and creating sustainable communities. In this blog post, we will explore the critical role of Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts in local economic development and how they can shape the future of our societies.

1. The Circular Economy and Financial Viability:

In the quest for sustainable development, the Circular Economy has gained significant momentum. Businesses are now realizing that reducing costs through the re-use and minimization of waste streams is not only environmentally responsible but also financially viable. Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts leverage this concept, harnessing the smart systems use of nutrients, energy, and water to create new waste value chains. By embracing the circularity of resources, businesses within these precincts can thrive while minimizing their ecological footprint.

2. The Emergence of Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts:

Thanks to advancements in technology, Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts have emerged as a modern framework for community infrastructure and mixed-use development. These precincts build upon the foundation of traditional main streets and local corner stores, combining innovative governance with a triple bottom line strategy. By investing in future sustainability, this approach attracts government support, encourages business diversification, and fosters closer community ties.

3. Fostering Economic Growth and Employment:

Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts play a pivotal role in supporting local economic development. By creating a conducive environment for businesses to thrive, these precincts attract more families to stay, promoting population growth and stimulating economic activity. The diversified mix of businesses within the precincts also leads to the creation of more jobs, higher-paying employment opportunities, and increased training for emerging industries. This all contributes to improving local economic prosperity.

4. Creating Vibrant Tourist Attractions:

Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts have the potential to become major tourist attractions. By offering a unique blend of cultural experiences, innovative businesses, and sustainable practices, these precincts exude charm and character. Visitors are drawn to the vibrant atmosphere and the opportunity to engage with locally sourced products and services. Increased tourism not only benefits the precinct itself but also the wider region, generating economic growth and employment opportunities.

5. IMPACT Projects and Sustainable Development:

Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts are key contributors to the implementation of IMPACT Projects, which aim to nurture the overlap of live, work, and play aspirations with global sustainable development. By combining innovative infrastructure, sustainable practices, and community engagement, these precincts pave the way for a sustainable future. They serve as living, breathing examples of how businesses, government bodies, and local communities can collaborate in pursuit of shared goals.


Lifestyle Enterprise Precincts represent a beacon of hope in a world that urgently needs sustainable solutions. By harnessing the principles of the Circular Economy and leveraging technologies, these precincts showcase the potential for transforming our communities into economic powerhouses that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet. Policy practitioners and project managers play a crucial role in nurturing and supporting these precincts, realizing their potential for local economic development and sustainable living. It is through their collective efforts that we can build a better future, one Lifestyle Enterprise Precinct at a time.

Author: Robert Prestipino RLA MPIA ACEcD

Robert Prestipino is passionate about creating places that will thrive in the future. He is a qualified Urban Designer, Registered Landscape Architect, Corporate member of the Planning Institute of Australia, and an Australian Certified Economic Developer with over 35 years experience in place-shaping projects.

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