IMPACT PROJECTS: Road Map Overview


In a world that's constantly evolving, where communities, businesses, and the environment intersect, there lies an extraordinary challenge and opportunity — the power to create positive impact projects. These projects aren't just about change; they're about transformation. They're not just about investment; they're about purpose-driven investments. Welcome to the realm of "IMPACT Projects: Investing in Place with Purpose."


Imagine, for a moment, projects that breathe new life into localities, projects that not only boost economic prospects but also enhance the very fabric of our communities. These projects are purpose-driven, rooted in sustainability, and aimed at fostering meaningful employment and elevating our quality of life. But the journey to unleash this potential is often fraught with obstacles—lack of local support, ideas that fall short, and flimsy business cases. That's where the Vital Places Impact Project Accelerator steps in, offering a structured roadmap that can steer your projects toward remarkable success. It's a journey through four distinct phases: Vision, Agility, Alignment, and Impact.

As we traverse this journey, we start with Vision, where our mission is to infuse our local passion with purpose, crafting a collaborative vision that resonates with the community's values. In Agility, we take these visions and breathe life into them, turning them into feasible projects that align with our goals. The Alignment phase sees us refining these projects, making them investment-worthy, and weaving a robust governance structure around them. Finally, in the Impact phase, we set out to transform our dreams into tangible realities, delivering lasting prosperity and leaving behind a legacy that touches every corner of our community.

At the end of this transformational journey, your project won't just be an investment; it will be a testament to what's possible when purpose, planning, and passion align. It will be a beacon of hope for sustainable employment, improved quality of life, and a thriving community. Join us on this incredible journey and unlock the potential of IMPACT Projects, where every step leads to a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

Phase One: Vision

In the first phase of the Impact Project Accelerator, the focus is on developing a project brief. Here, we emphasize "place thinking," prioritizing the local context and passion while infusing it with purpose. The key tasks in this phase include committing to action, confirming collective values, and setting a collaborative vision. The milestones include the completion of an action plan, the creation of a place profile, and crystallizing a project vision.

Phase Two: Agility

In the second phase, we transition to defining the project's footprint. During this phase, we prioritize "design thinking" to take our purpose and create a practical process to achieve it. Key tasks in this phase involve generating ideas that align with project goals and exploring feasibility. Milestones include concept development, soliciting stakeholder feedback, and completing a pre-feasibility analysis.

Phase Three: Alignment

Phase three focuses on the "investment pitch." Here, "Lean thinking" is prioritized, transforming a design process into an investable project. Key tasks encompass confirming viability, identifying governance structures, and securing market feedback. Phase three's critical milestones include the development of a financial model, the establishment of a governance model, and receiving market responses.

Phase Four: Impact

The fourth phase centers on project implementation and transformation. Our goal is to deliver lasting prosperity through the project. Key tasks involve confirming partners, managing implementation, and installing operational systems. The phase's critical milestones include securing project funds, successfully implementing the project, and activating it. Upon completing phase four, we are ready to reap the benefits of a project that has embedded advocacy across stakeholder groups, delivers sustainability across social, economic, and environmental indicators, and creates an attractive public and private sector investment that ensures a lasting legacy.


As we traverse this journey, we start with Vision, where our mission is to infuse our local passion with purpose, crafting a collaborative vision that resonates with the community's values. In Agility, we take these visions and breathe life into them, turning them into feasible projects that align with our goals. The Alignment phase sees us refining these projects, making them investment-worthy, and weaving a robust governance structure around them. Finally, in the Impact phase, we set out to transform our dreams into tangible realities, delivering lasting prosperity and leaving behind a legacy that touches every corner of our community.

At the end of this transformational journey, your project won't just be an investment; it will be a testament to what's possible when purpose, planning, and passion align. It will be a beacon of hope for sustainable employment, improved quality of life, and a thriving community. Join us on this incredible journey and unlock the potential of IMPACT Projects, where every step leads to a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

Author: Robert Prestipino RLA MPIA ACEcD

Robert Prestipino is passionate about creating places that will thrive in the future. He is a qualified Urban Designer, Registered Landscape Architect, Corporate member of the Planning Institute of Australia, and an Australian Certified Economic Developer with over 35 years experience in place-shaping projects.

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